182 Quotes About Vice
- Author أنيس منصور
عندما تواجهني صورتان للرذيلة : أختار التى لم أرها من قبل !
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- Author Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Service that is purely self serving, becomes a vice.Do not serve, vice.
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- Author Israelmore Ayivor
People either build a castle or a dungeon. The former by their virtues, pull people into positive edifices with gainful impression. The later by their vices, push people into negative huts with painful oppression.
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- Author Truman Capote
What are your chief vices? And virtues? I have no vices. The concept doesn't exist in my vocabulary. My chief virtue is gratitude
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- Author Neal Stephenson
That's not what I'm asking. I'm asking, what's your vice and what brand of trouble does it lead to?
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- Author Richard House
It is doubtful that you could find a full-blooded Cossack who would voluntarily take part in any such activity, as the girl, so to speak. The receiver. I cannot think of one example myself, not one case which involves a full-blooded Cossack. Historically, this is a weakness of the Greeks, the Italians, and of course your own people, who are particularly fond of this vice.
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- Author Chris Matakas
Self-improvement is generally a removal of a vice rather than an acquisition of a virtue.
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- Author Miles Watson
New York, I thought, was a city defined by its flaws. In every possible way, its virtues were overwhelmed by its vices, as Jekyll was by Hyde. Yet it was these very vices that gave the city its character - like tar in an oak barrel lending its flavor to Scotch.
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- Author Edward Gorey
Vice is nice, but a little virtue won't hurt you.
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