136 Quotes About Villains

  • Author Chandler Klang Smith
  • Quote

    He didn't have his top hat on when Swanny met him but he certainly does now. It's an impresario's chapeau, like his limo. Glossy, black and stretched. He wears a sharkskin suit today. He should look ridiculous in the daytime, but it's as though he's brought night into the room with him.

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  • Author Soman Chainani
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    Watching across the aisles, the Nevers' faces began to change. One by one, their scowls turned sorrowful, their eyes melted to hurt. Hort, Ravan, Anadil, even Hester...as if they too wished they could have such joy. As if they too wished they could feel as wanted. Gone was their will to fight, lost to broken hearts, and the villains shrank into silence, snakes drained of venom.

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  • Author L.M. Montgomery
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    Escribiría sobre gente y lugares que yo conociera, y haría que mis personajes hablaran un lenguaje cotidiano. Y dejaría que el sol se levantara y se pusiera de la forma normal y tranquila que hace normalmente, sin hacer muchas alharacas al respecto. Si tuviera que introducir un villano en mi historia, le daría una oportunidad (...) Supongo que hay algunos hombres malvados en el mundo, pero hay que andar un buen rato para encontrarlos.

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