718 Quotes About Women-empowerment
- Author Amanda Lovelace
scriptfor whenhe tells youyou'rebeautiful :"i know.
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- Author Andrena Sawyer
If you see something dynamic in another person, speak up. It's time to stop letting haters set the precedent, while negativity becomes the default setting.
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- Author Chelsea Handler
Never in the history of humankind has a woman been told to calm down and then calmed down. We don't like that.
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- Author Christina Strigas
Karma is the best bitch around,
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- Author Sabrina Newby
I'm proud of her; she's proud of me. There is no competition animosity, envy, or jealousy. We're just secure, confident women doing our thing while supporting each other. I call that a SiSTARship and it is the essence of a Smart Woman Achieving Greatness. (SWAG)
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- Author Sonal Bharija Singh
May be it’s a male dominated world, but you will always be judged by the way you treat women So technically it’s our world
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- Author Rahul Guhathakurta
Every day should be celebrated as Happy Women's Day. Why take an unnecessary risk?
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- Author Jane Caro
Thanks to every generation of women from every culture on earth who ever lived, thanks to every woman who ever voiced a seditious thought or pursued her talents regardless of invisibility, my generation of women have been able to live a life different from that of every woman who came before us.
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- Author Jane Caro
Far from women as a species being vain, flirty or irrational, overemotional, hysterical, lunatic or morally weak, what strikes me about women and their history is just how damn sane we have managed to stay.
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