36 Quotes About Zionism
- Author Christopher Lee Bollyn
Only by understanding that Blair and his New Labour Party were financed and controlled by Israeli interests can one understand how Blair was manipulated to support such a reckless and criminal scheme. Similar Zionist forces were at work on Bush.
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- Author Theodor Herzl
Whole branches of Judaism may wither and fall, but the trunk remains,
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- Author Sumaya Awad
Interestingly, the "Zioness Movement" sprouted on the US activist scene with the explicit intention to counter feminists who were successfully denouncing Zionism. It chose the slogan, "Unabashedly progressive, unapologetically Zionist" in direct response to the growing, if belated, understanding among many Western feminists that Zionism is racism and has no place in progressive movements.
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- Author Mahatma Gandhi
Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home
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- Author jack bruce
The paradox of anti-Semitism is that it is invariably up to the Jews to explain away the charges. The anti-Semite simply has to make them.
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- Author Seyed Musa Sadr - سید موسی صدر
قدِّموا السلاح لبعضكموتعالوا الى القدسحيث المسيح ومحمد يسجنانوالكنيسة والمسجد يهدَّمانوالمسلم والمسيحي يُضطَهدانوالإسلام والمسيحية يُهدَّدانفبأي ألاء ربكما تكذبان؟
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- Author Benjamin Netanyahu
We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attacks on the twin towers and the pentagon and the American struggle in Iraq. These events swung American public opinion in our favor
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- Author Sayed Hassan Nasrallah
We will consider every hand who will try to take our weapons, as an Israeli hand.
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- Author Christopher Lee Bollyn
Zionist control of the media was essential in shaping public opinion and directing the anger and blame at Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida. The controlled politicians dutifully parroted the media version, which quickly became the “party line” of both parties. Dissent was quashed. Politicians, academics, and journalists who expressed doubts or raised questions about what really happened were treated like pariahs and removed from their positions.
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