12 Quotes by Christophe Galfard

Christophe Galfard Quotes By Tag

  • Author Christophe Galfard
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    Today, according to NASA's satellite estimates it [the universe] consists of the following: Dark Energy 72%, Dark Matter 23%, the matter we know, including light, 4.6%. The total does not add up to 100% because there are always some uncertainties in the numbers obtained. Everything you've seen so far throughout your journeys correspondes to only 4.6% of the total content of our universe. The rest...is unknown.

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  • Author Christophe Galfard
  • Quote

    En cierta manera, la visión literal de Everett de la física cuántica dice que si dejas de lado el egoísmo nunca estarás triste. Cuando te pasa algo malo aquí, un número infinito de túes en un número infinito de universos paralelos no sufren esa mala noticia y continúan tan felices.

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