39 Quotes by Claire North

Claire North Quotes By Tag

  • Author Claire North
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    Q4: Man is no more than the sum of his experience and his capacity to express these experiences to fellow man. Discuss. (500 words)Pg8

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  • Author Claire North
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    A funeral procession, the women scream until they fall down in a faint, the men hold them up, the boys cry silently sand swear to take up arms in their father's name. It is the same funeral procession that their fathers saw, their fathers before them, and their grandfathers unto generations unknown, where the same vow was taken.

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  • Author Claire North
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    In 1789 the French rebelled and found an emperor. The Americans found their freedom from the British and enslaved the Africans. The Arab Spring bloomed and the military and the jihadists seized power. The internet gave us all the power of speech, and what did we discover? That victory goes to he who shouts the loudest, and that reason does not sell.

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  • Author Claire North
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    So each generation set out to find more of its kind, and within just a few cycles of birth and death, the Club had spread not only through space, but also time, propagating itself forwards into the twentieth century and back into the Middle Ages, the death of each member spreading the word of what it was to the very extremes of the times in which they lived.

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  • Author Claire North
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    What's the difference between English football and a tea bag? The tea bag stays in the cup longer. What does the cheese say to itself in the morning?Halloumi!pg208

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