1,395 Quotes by David Levithan

  • Author David Levithan
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    We wish we could offer you a creation myth, an exact reason why you are the way you are, why when you read this sentence, you will know it's about you.

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  • Author David Levithan
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    exemplar, n.It's always something we have to negotiate- the face that my parents are happy, and yours have never been. I have something to live up to, and if I fail, I still have a family to welcome me home. You have a storyline to rewrite, and a lack of faith that it can ever be done.You love my parents, I know. But you never get too close. You never truly believe there aren't bad secrets underneath.

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  • Author David Levithan
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    I didn't let her go. She went. It's not my fault.She did it.She could undo it. This is feeling so fucking famliar.Why do we even bother? Why do we make ourselves so open to such easy damage? Is it all loneliness? Is it all fear? Of is it just to experience those narcotic moments of belonging with someone else?

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