46 Quotes by Douglas Kennedy

  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    ...there are certain tragedies from which we never recover. We may eventually adjust to the sense of loss that pervades every waking hour of the day. We may accept the desperate sadness that colors all perception. We may even learn to live with the loss. But it doesn't mean we will ever fully cauterize the wound or shut away the pain in some steel-tight box and consider it vanquished.

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    The only time you truly become an adult is when you finally forgive your parents for being just as flawed as everyone else.

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    Can we always really look forward, as everyone endlessly advises us to do? Or do we have to hold on to certain key vestiges of our past- as painful, as terrible as they might be- as a way of understanding that there are certain things in life that change us so radically that they stay with us forever? Can we really close the door on that which still haunts us?

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    But when you are engulfed in loss, how can you detach yourself in the transience of everything? How can I take a theoretically long view of things when every waking moment without Johannes is agony?

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    We try so hard to put our mark on things, we like to tell ourselves that what we do has import or will last. But the truth is, we're all just passing through. So little survives us. And when we're gone, it's simply the memory of others that keeps our time here alive. And when they're gone... That's why - when I go - I'm asking that my dust gets tossed on the water. Because ends up floating away.

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    죽음의 순간이 찾아오면 우리가 삶이라고 부르는 시간의 무상함으 깨달을 수 있을 뿐이다. 그럼에도 우리는 살아가는 동안 언쟁을 벌이고, 원한을 품고, 분노하고, 질투하고, 싸우고 후회한다. 세상에서 분출되는 온갖 갈등이 인간 존재에 어두운 그림자를 드리운다. 결국 모든 게 죽음으로 막을 내리게 될줄 알면서도 사람들은 포기할 줄 모른다. 우리는 전혀 대수롭지 않은 일에 분노한다. 분노는 근본적으로 중요하지 않은 일에 중요한 의미를 부여한다. 분노는 우리가 언젠가 죽으리라는 걸 잊게 한다.

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  • Author Douglas Kennedy
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    I wanted to get it all down on paper; a record of what happened----just in case something did happen to me---- and to try and convince myself that I was not living in a state of permanent delusion. But why should you accept this story as given? It’s just a story----my story. And like all stories, it isn’t, in the pure sense of the word, true. It’s just my version of the truth. Which means it is----and isn’t----true at all.

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