32 Quotes by Harken Headers

Harken Headers Quotes By Tag

  • Author Harken Headers
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    And you thought exercise or eating healthy was tough, wait til you have to sit stilland not think. Ahhhh, the real challenge begins. Yes I am nodding slowly. If….you…can’t..tell… Of course you can’t tell through typed words. Who am Ikidding.

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  • Author Harken Headers
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    You are feeling greatuntil someone comes along andcriticizes your healthy choices. Jooooooy. This is where you needto straighten your backbone andget thick skin. There will always bepeople that are bitter and to makethemselves feel better they got tomake other people choosingsmarter and more positive choicesfeel so low of themselves

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  • Author Harken Headers
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    I always tell people, “Do not just follow my lead, go out and learn for yourself whatwill work for you.” What works for me you may need more or less of.

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  • Author Harken Headers
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    Ridding yourself of what you don’t need doesn’t just stop with things. Material Items.It’s also about ridding yourself of toxic people who are so bitter and negative in lifemaking you just want to jump off a bridge rather than listen to them talk. It’s hardto tell satire when reading, but I hope you catch it at points like these. Wink wink.

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  • Author Harken Headers
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    Listen to your body. If something hurts, go easy or stop. If it’s too easy, challenge yourself. If you are hungry, eat. Thirsty, drink. If you got to use thetoilet…..well you know what to do. You get the point.

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