19 Quotes by Helen Brown

  • Author Helen Brown
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    In the back of the fridge I checked out some stewed apples destined to fester. I examined them closely and reckoned they had only a day to go, even by my standards. I spooned the apples into tiny bowls, tossed in some dried fruit and sprinkled them with crumble topping. Delicious, they said that night, scraping the bowls so clean they hardly needed to go in the dishwasher. The fools.

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  • Author Helen Brown
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    Nasi cichostopi przyjaciele nie tylko uratowali już miliony ludzi, zabijając gryzonie. Pomogli także uleczyć niezliczone serca. Siedząc cicho w nogach łóżka, czekali, aż ludzkie łzy przestaną płynąć. Zwinięci w kłębek na kolanach chorych i starych dawali pociechę , jakiej nie sposób znaleźć gdzie indziej. Zasługują na docenienie za to, że od tysięcy lat służą naszemu fizycznemu i emocjonalnemu zdrowiu. Egipcjanie mieli rację. Kot to istota święta.

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  • Author Helen Brown
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    You name it, we're out there with the latest and the best cutting edge,

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  • Author Helen Brown
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    No office anywhere on earth is so puritanical, impeccable, elegant, sterile or incorruptible as not to contain the yeast for at least one affair, probably more. You can say it couldn't happen here, but just let a yeast raiser into the place and first thing you know - bread!

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  • Author Helen Brown
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    I would say that Cosmo was always a feminist magazine; it was before the movement really took shape. The early feminist movement felt I put a lot of emphasis on beauty, which was true.

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  • Author Helen Brown
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    I was mousy on the outside but inside I'm this tiger and I have to get on with it,

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