89 Quotes by Helen S. Rosenau
- Author Helen S. Rosenau
The Other Side: ...you realize you'll have to make more journeys. But not now. Now you get to feel how grand it is to stand on the top of that small mountain and see behind you what you've traversed, and trust tomorrow's trek will be easier.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Loves Me, Loves Me Not: No matter how you meet, little in life rivals the messy joys of falling in love.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
What, Me Worry? Instead of fretting, use your imagination for making love or beauty, or for finding the right allies to help you.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
One More Time: Tell yourself what you're proud of, but also be honest about where you're slacking. These check-ins are not just to make you face the scale the next morning, but rather to support your intention to change.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Binge Watching: Sometimes it takes all your energy to slow down.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
A leap of faith may not happen with certitude, because those magic moments vanish, and our very human qualities of doubt and second-guessing rush in to fill the void... If you've done your homework, you'll see what's happeningand recover much more quickly than when you were less aware.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
One More Time: Be proud of yourself for however far you get each time you try
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
Karma Road: The journey of making change requires the focused commitment of the hero and the trust and innocence of the fool.
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- Author Helen S. Rosenau
What, Me Worry? Learning to trust is hard, and life¹s daily lessons don¹t always encourage it as a reliable habit. But trust is a prerequisite to virtually all the lessons that we encounter.
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