8 Quotes by Julie B. Campbell

  • Author Julie B. Campbell
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    Of course, Jules was not a wolf. She was an elephant. But Jules was a very young toy and she had never been to school to learn the difference.

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  • Author Julie B. Campbell
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    I led the men inside and though I was allowed to pass unscathed, both Sir Fhirell and Drudvis received a thorough scolding for stepping past the threshold in their boots. Both men obediently removed their footwear before going to wash up for the meal. I wasn’t sure why, but it warmed me to see this average-sized woman barking out orders to a giant and a Knight, only to have them both do as they were told without argument.

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  • Author Julie B. Campbell
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    Sure, Manda knew that the tree wasn’t actually dead. Mrs. Evans, her teacher, taught her that some trees lose their leaves in the wintertime making them look dead, when they were only sleeping.Sleeping or not, the big tree was dead to Manda.

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  • Author Julie B. Campbell
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    Music had always had the ability to help ease my suffering. I sang a great deal at home. I sang to myself and to Lord Imery. Sometimes, I played the harp to accompany myself. Learning such a graceful instrument had filled my heart with pride. I loved the feeling of adding something beautiful to a room.I looked down at my shaking hands. There were no melodies left in those withered fingers.

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  • Author Julie B. Campbell
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    Miss Godeleva!” A man’s voice called my name from aboard the ship. I looked up to see the entire crew lining the nearest rail, facing me. In unison, every man bowed to me. “For Sir Vorel!” the same man called out...My heart pounded in my chest, and I released Sir Fhirell’s arm, sinking into a deep curtsy to show my respect for every one of the men who had risked themselves to rescue Megan and to keep me safe; despite how foolish I had been.

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