4 Quotes by Liz Petrone

  • Author Liz Petrone
  • Quote

    They weren't terribly bad grudges, either. I wasn't going to boil someone's bunny or send them a horse's head, but maybe if I saw one of them in the grocery store and their hands were full and they needed to reach the good ice cream on the top shelf of the freezer, I would probably reach in and grab it and then run away cackling with it tucked under my arm.

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  • Author Liz Petrone
  • Quote

    Is it an actual question? "You sure do have your hands full, don't you?" I don't even know if it's meant to be an insult or a light-hearted observation or even a compliment, something very American-esque about how incredible I must be at multitasking if for no other reason than because I have clearly had unprotected sex at least four times.

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  • Author Liz Petrone
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    There is really only one thing I know for sure, one thing I believe in wholeheartedly and enough to write a book about, and that is what I wish I had said to my mother: We can do this. We can carry each other. You are not alone.

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