456 Quotes by Maureen Johnson

  • Author Maureen Johnson
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    Funny how the world shifts when you’re in the same space with your friends. The air is energized, the light is warmer.

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  • Author Maureen Johnson
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    I decided to deflect her attitude by giving a long, Southern answer. I come from people who know how to draw things out. Annoy a Southerner, and we will drain away the moments of your life with our slow, detailed replies until you are nothing but a husk of your former self and that much closer to death.

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  • Author Maureen Johnson
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    the famous Mr. Ellingham leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and bringing his large, suntanned hands together in a knot. Dottie had never seen anyone with a suntan in March before. This, more than anything,was the most powerful sign of Mr. Ellingham’s wealth. He could have the sun itself.

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