9 Quotes by Renata Bowers

Renata Bowers Quotes By Tag

  • Author Renata Bowers
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    Heroes don’t seek attention. But they show up continually in the little things. Train your eyes to look for them. They may not be as loud as the headlines or newsfeeds. But they’re all around you, multitudes of them. Train your eyes and listen with your heart… Both rightfully know that the quiet things, the little things, they are the big things. They are far more important than the noise of the world.

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  • Author Renata Bowers
  • Quote

    I understand the logic behind removing toxic people from one’s life. But I also understand that many who are “toxic” are acting out of a painful past… and that to marginalize someone who’s not known much love is to validate that they don’t matter. To live in the world we desire – a world of good people, safe places – requires less fence-building and more heart-building. It requires valuing the worth of all people and loving the hurt as much as possible.

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