9 Quotes by Erik Pevernagie about art

  • Author Erik Pevernagie
  • Quote

    As many people are in turmoil, they happen to put many substantial questions. By incessantly asking themselves what it means "to be essential," they start wondering whether "usefulness" has a key function in their life. It is true; many people can only survive through necessary and useful effects. But can we dispel "unusefulness" as worthless? For some, art and play may be “useless” but, yet, are fundamental ways and means for survival. ("Corporeal prison")

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  • Author Erik Pevernagie
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    Beauty may no longer be what it was before. It has become suspect and many have dethroned it from its art pedestal. A lot of questions are raised: "When" is art?", "What" is art?", "Can this be art? " As some feel so powerless and speechless, they painfully resort to the uplifting and comforting counsel of their art shrink.

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  • Author Erik Pevernagie
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    Through art, we learn to understand ourselves and light up the veiled angles in our minds. It teaches us how to get hold of life and get a sense of the shades in the wild richness of the abundant diversity that stretches through our daily experience. It gives us a foothold in the estranging landscapes we cross during our life journey and helps us figure out the wisdom behind the countless signs and tokens. (Stilling our mind)

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