9 Quotes by James Hauenstein about love
- Author James Hauenstein
The Dictionary defines Soul Mate as: A person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament. Before I met mine, I didn't know I was bonkers!
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- Author James Hauenstein
Remember, the best presents anyone can give, is being there for their loved ones.
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- Author James Hauenstein
Remember, the best present to give, is being there for your loved ones.
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- Author James Hauenstein
I have heard that the French like to say, "Nobody grows old during a happy occasion at the dining table." With such wonderful family and friends all around us for Mitchell's and Stacie's wedding, I know their love will always stay young and true to one another, because of the love and happiness we all have in this room today!
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- Author James Hauenstein
Until the heart can see the future of the person you fall in love with, love will always be blind
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- Author James Hauenstein
Women. You have to love them the way they are or they'll drive you insane.
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- Author James Hauenstein
I loved Verti. Until she jumped. That is when I felt Vertigo.
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- Author James Hauenstein
You see, love is not a straight line. A continuous fairy tale of bliss throughout your life. It's like waves on the ocean. Your love can easily survive the small or medium size swells but when a hurricane hits, that is the true test of your love and your partner's love, for each other.
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- Author James Hauenstein
I believe everyone in life has a soul mate. And if I ever find mine, my wife will kill her!
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