49 Quotes by Josh Stern about absurd
- Author Josh Stern
The practice of doing more than necessary works best when packing lunch boxes
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- Author Josh Stern
The only threesome I've ever experienced is with Pantene 2 in 1
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- Author Josh Stern
If a picture paints a thousand words, then a naked picture paints a thousand words without any vowels....
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- Author Josh Stern
Dating should really be more like furniture store commercials....I would love to' pay no interest for 6 months
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- Author Josh Stern
Revenge is a dish best served in something microwaveable
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- Author Josh Stern
In order to butterfly kiss, does it require caterpillar lips?
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- Author Josh Stern
If you take things the wrong way, be aware of which end is up
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- Author Josh Stern
The only way I’d ever die of a broken heart, is if I slammed into something really hard
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- Author Josh Stern
Manners without sincerity, is called polite society
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