17 Quotes by Matthew Walker about Sleep
- Author Matthew Walker
Sleep is the single most effective thing we can do to reset our brain and body health each day -- Mother Nature's best effort yet at contra-death.
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- Author Matthew Walker
I was once fond of saying, "sleep is the third pillar of good health, alongside diet and exercise." I have changed my tune. Sleep is more than a pillar; it is the foundation on which the other two health bastions sit. Take away the bedrock of sleep, or weaken it just a little, and careful eating or physical exercise become less than effective, as we shall see.
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- Author Matthew Walker
...our lack of sleep is a slow form of self-euthanasia...
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- Author Matthew Walker
Once, our dreams were our own. We got to decide whether or not to share them with others and, if we did, which parts to include and which parts to withhold.
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- Author Matthew Walker
...certain business leaders mistakenly believe that time on-task equates with task completion and productivity. Even in the industrial era of rote factory work, this was untrue. It is a misguided fallacy, and an expensive one, too.
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- Author Matthew Walker
There are many things that I hope readers take away from this book. This is one of the most important: if you are drowsy while driving, please, please stop. It is lethal. To carry the burden of another’s death on your shoulders is a terrible thing.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Vyjádříme-li V procentech celkové populace počet lidí schopných přežívat při pěti nebo méně hodinách spánku bez jakýchkoli postiženi a hodnotu pak zaokrouhlíme na celé číslo, dostaneme nulu.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Biologia noastră circadiană și obligațiile interminabile pe care le avem de îndeplinit dimineața devreme în cursul acestui stil de viață postindustrial ne refuză somnul de care avem nevoie în mod vital.
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- Author Matthew Walker
Grame de somn duc la kilograme de rezultate în afaceri.
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