76 Quotes by Mehmet Murat ildan about wisdom

  • Author Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Quote

    You are trying to stay dry when it rains; but only when you get wet, you will know that no one can ever obtain wisdom without melting inside the reality, without being on intimate terms with the truth!

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  • Author Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Quote

    The eagle is wise because he looks everywhere, not somewhere. If you want to raise wise people, raise people who look everywhere, not somewhere! Let them know all the ideas, let them travel on all roads! Let them walk in the light and in the dark! Above all, let them make a habit of doubting what they have been taught!

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  • Author Mehmet Murat ildan
  • Quote

    The wisdom of the sun is not in producing light and heat, but in sharing them with everyone and everything! Wisdom that is not shared means conceit, and if there is conceit there is no wisdom!

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