10 Quotes by Paul Bamikole about life
- Author Paul Bamikole
No force is strong enough to break you from the outside. I found out sometimes ago that men are first broken within before they are overwhelmed on the outside. Once you are bankrupt on Joy, it will be hard to keep yourself together. Life will do its best to wear you thin but you must not let it wear you out. The fruit of joy is right there in you, let it blossom.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Whatever a man fears he will worship. If you fear poverty, you will eventually worship money.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Once you accept a label you may have to wear it for the rest of your short life. Don't accept any negative label from anyone no matter who they are. If you have accepted any negative label, it's time to take them off of you.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Integrity is your attitude when no one is watching. Character is what you do when you are not watching.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Vision gives meaning to grace just as hunger gives meaning to food.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Some of us will be long forgotten before we are even dead. Most will never be remembered at all, not even by family.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
What is speed without direction?What is direction without purpose?
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- Author Paul Bamikole
There are no disables, only unable people. There is no disability big enough to bury a man's true abilities.
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- Author Paul Bamikole
Don't give the front seat of your life to those whom you should give the back seat. Don't give the back seat to those who deserve the front seat. Be discerning! Be wise!
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