243 Quotes About Assessment
- Author Justin K. McFarlane Beau
Social conditioning, accompanied by moral and mental constraints, now serve to render the mediocre mind nearly incapable of unbiased assessment.
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- Author Vineet Raj Kapoor
Marks are a currency with which we buy knowledge. Currency (marks) does not know whether you pick up what you ordered.
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- Author Sun Tzu
In war, numbers alone confer no advantage. Do not advance relying on sheer military power. It is sufficient to estimate the enemy situation correctly and to concentrate your strength to capture him. There is no more to it than this. He who lacks foresight and underestimates his enemy will surely be captured by him.
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- Author C.A.A. Savastano
Many politicians and advocates say they want to help people, they do, themselves.
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- Author C.A.A. Savastano
The amount of respect any idea deserves is revealed by the verifiable facts it contains.
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- Author Ronald Heifetz
Stay diagnostic even as you take action.
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- Author Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes we can’t quite put our finger on something important because we’ve got all of our fingers wrapped around a bunch of other things that are not important.
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- Author Israelmore Ayivor
Take time to regularly assess how you spend your time. Be ready to make changes that suit the goals pursue at a particular time.
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- Author جلجامش نبيل
القداسة تعني بالضرورة أن تخلق نظرة إيجابية تعميك عن رؤية الحقيقة المرة لما تقرأ أو تحاول تقييمه، بل إن تقييم المقدس مسألة مثيرة للسخرية، ما دمت تعتبره مقدساً سيكون تقييمك إيجابياً حتماً.
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