53 Quotes About Asthma

  • Author Ian Fleming
  • Quote

    The great trains are going out all over Europe, one by one, but still, three times a week, the Orient Express thunders superbly over the 1,400 miles of glittering steel track between Istanbul and Paris.Under the arc-lights, the long-chassied German locomotive panted quietly with the labored breath of a dragon dying of asthma. Each heavy breath seemed certain to be the last. Then came another.

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  • Author Laurence Galian
  • Quote

    Those who have had contacts with extraterrestrials also report having strong allergic reactions. Indeed, trauma (usually in childhood) seems to be a prerequisite for close-encounters. It is, as some of you may know, an indispensable part of the journey to become a shaman.

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  • Author jon lee anderson
  • Quote

    One day in May 1930, Celia took her twoyear-old son for a swim at the yacht club, but itwas already the onset of the Argentine winter,cold and windy. That night, the little boy hada coughing fit. A doctor diagnosed him as sufferingfrom asthmatic bronchitis and prescribedthe normal remedies, but the attack lasted forseveral days. Ernestito had developed chronicasthma, which would afflict him for the rest ofhis life and irrevocably change the course of hisparents’ lives.

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