178 Quotes About Atoms
- Author Joseph Raphael Becker
A long time ago,there was diddly-squat.Just nothing at all,except... one tiny dot.
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- Author Bill Bryson
Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality.
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- Author Sherwin Bitsui
We are only atoms trailing the carved skull wrapped inside a sunbeam.
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- Author Weike Wang
An atom is mostly made up of empty space. If you remove the empty space from every atom, the entire world's human population could fit inside a sugar cube.
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- Author René Guénon
un corps, qui est quelque chose d’étendu par définition même, est forcément toujours composé de parties, et si petit qu’il soit ou qu’on veuille le supposer, cela n’y change rien, de sorte que la notion de corpuscules indivisibles est contradictoire en elle-même; mais, évidemment, une telle notion s’accorde bien avec la recherche d’une simplicité poussée si loin qu’elle ne peut plus correspondre à la moindre réalité.
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- Author Andrew Smith
I hold together pretty well, considering how much my atoms have been through.
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- Author Carlton Allen
My immediate reaction was that our job had just increased by two or three years, but that the samples were still there. A 200 miles-per-hour crash isn't going to dislodge solar wind atoms that are buried in the collectors. It's going to take longer and people are going to have to work harder...but the samples are still there.
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- Author Isaac Asimov
An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways.
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- Author Isaac Asimov
It’s a poor atom blaster that won’t point both ways.
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