46 Quotes About Boomers
- Author Jane Caro
Women who are over fifty grew up in one world and now must exist in quite another. They are a generation that has experienced the greatest change in women’s lives recorded history yet such is our lingering ability to take women’s lives seriously that society barely acknowledges that there has been a fundamental shift.
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- Author Jane Caro
I believe that women’s liberation—or second-wave feminism, as it is now known—was born from the pill, not the other way around. Safe, effective, affordable contraception allowed half the human race to imagine and create a different future for themselves. That is certainly how it worked for me.
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- Author Jane Caro
I wanted the kind of life my father had had, not the one I saw my mother struggling to get away from. I thought I was peculiar in this desire, but, as things have turned out, it seems such secret ambition burning in young female breasts were not so uncommon.
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- Author Jane Caro
When I was young, when the women of my generation were in their formative years, we were not taken seriously. Nor, just as damagingly, were our mothers, or our grandmothers.
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- Author Jane Caro
I have to hand it to the patriarchy. It has been a brilliant and comprehensive strategy to keep women under control, to create so many hurdles and levels of difficulty—both overt and covert, both in the workplace and in the home, both through the tax system and the lack of services—that women must expend much of their energy just overcoming them and have little left over for battling promotion and higher wages. Exhaustion is a feminist issue.
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- Author Oliver Markus Malloy
Next time a little edgelord comments "OK boomer" to troll you, just troll him right back and reply with "I bet you like chicken nuggets." All small children like chicken nuggets.
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- Author Jan Marshall
After we deal and heal...NOT A A SHRED OF EVIDENCE EXISTS THAT LIFE IS SERIOUS.....Jan Marshall
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- Author Lenore Hirsch
To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
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- Author Jean M. Twenge
Yet GenX'er teens didn't slow down--they were just as likely to drive, drink alcohol, and date as their Boomer peers and more likely to have sex and get pregnant as teens. But then they waited longer to reach full adulthood with careers and children. So GenX'ers managed to lengthen adolescence beyond all previous limits: they started becoming adults earlier and finished becoming adults later.
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