288 Quotes About Brown
- Author Dan Brown
Suntem noi învechiți? Sunt oamenii aceștia niște dinozauri? Sau eu? Mai are lumea cu adevărat nevoie de un glas care să ia partea celor săraci, slabi și oprimați ori a copiilor încă nenăscuți? Avem într-adevăr nevoie de suflete ca acestea care, deși imperfecte, își petrec întreaga viață implorându-ne pe fiecare dintre noi să nu ne pierdem jaloanele de moralitate și să nu ne rătăcim?
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- Author Dan Brown
Cineva trebuie să ducă acest război, altfel, ăsta-i viitorul nostru. Matematica îl garantează. Omenirea se complace acum într-un purgatoriu al nehotărârii, al procastinării și al lăcomiei personale... dar cercurile iadului așteaptă imediat sub picioarele noastre, gata să ne înghită pe toți.
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- Author Pallavi Sareen
You’re yellow from the time gathered upon you. I’m brown, I’ve been around for ages.
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- Author Altruistic Poetry
You fell in love with herwhen she couldn't love herself.You loved her wide brown eyesthat resembled the color of pure honey,and her big plump lipsthat were perfect enough to kiss.You loved her voicewhen she called your namebecause she couldn't fall asleep,and the silence of it allwhen she was long gone in her dreams.You taught her to love herself;head, toe, and everything in between.Her body,her mindand soul.Let nothing intervene.
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- Author Cassandra Clare
I am a man" he told her, "and men do not consume pink beverages. Get thee gone woman, and bring me something brown.
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- Author Melita Tessy
Are you all right?''How do I look?''Um… You have raven hair, brown eyes and bronzed skin if you didn’t know, and you’re… human.
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- Author Christina Engela
Some kids are black, or brown - some kids are red, and others white.Kids come in all different colors, shapes and styles - beautiful and bright!
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- Author Suzy Kassem
The world is no longer white, black, yellow and brown. Through love, tribes have been intermixing colors to reveal a new rainbow world. And as more time passes, this racial and cultural blending will make it harder for humans to side with one race, nation or religion over another.
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- Author Munia Khan
Wind and breeze are separated todayCrimson twilight denies to fade away Grass blades turn brown to match the soilWe pretend to smile at every turmoil
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