133 Quotes About Bugs

  • Author Brandon Sanderson
  • Quote

    Don’t do anything stupid.""Don’t worry," I whispered over the line, "I’m an expert on stupid.""You’re...""Like, I can spot stupidity, because I know it so well. The way an exterminator knows bugs really well, and can spot where they’ve been? I’m like that. A stupidinator.""Never say that word again," Prof said.

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  • Author Douglas Tallamy
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    many of the alien plants that have succeeded in North America are not a random sample of all plants that evolved elsewhere, but rather are a subset that were imported specifically because of their unpalatability to insects

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  • Author Betsy Schow
  • Quote

    Moony and the jitterbugs swayed and staggered, trying to keep their balance while ducking to avoid an incoming snowman figure."This ain't what we signed up for, Cuz," said the bug playing the upright bass."That's right. Keep y'all's money. We quit." This bug threw down his pipe and jumped into the water. The rest of his band abandoned their instruments and made a break for it too. They swam for the nearest gravey boat.

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