51 Quotes About Cfs

  • Author Tanya Marlow
  • Quote

    With a strange logic, [Rod Liddle] asserts that because ME patients deny that they have a psychiatric disorder, this proves they have a psychiatric disorder.Meanwhile, people are quietly dying of ME. ME sufferer Emily Collingridge died, aged 30; Victoria Webster died at just 18. People don’t die from ‘exercise phobia’. ME is not ‘lethargy’ and ‘aches and pains’, as Liddle claims. Severe ME is lying in a darkened room, alone, in agonising pain, tube-fed, catheterised, too weak to move or speak.

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  • Author Mark Vink
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    My very high lactate levels after this trivial walk also show that this trivial walk is very strenuous exercise for me which I have been doing twice a day for a number of years and if exercise would really be the answer to this disease, on the one hand I would not have fallen ill with this disease and on the other I would have long exercised myself back to full fitness as my very high lactate levels show that I do my upmost.

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