78 Quotes About Character-description
- Author Emilio Salgari
Era una bellissima fanciulla, di quindici o sedici anni, alta e flessibile come un giunco, dalla pelle pallidissima, quasi alabastrina, con la tinta che ricordava suo padre il Corsaro Nero; aveva due occhi grandi, d'un nero intenso, e lunghe ciglia che lasciavano cadere sul viso la loro ombra.I suo capelli, neri come l'ala di un corvo, li teneva sciolti sulle spalle, legati solamente presso la nuca da una piccola fila di perle.
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- Author Emilio Salgari
Era uno splendido tipo di bornese, sulla cinquantina, dal viso assai abbronzato, con due occhi nerissimi e ancora pieni di fuoco.La sua barba e i suoi capelli, che portava lunghi, erano appena brizzolati.
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- Author John Wray
His crimped hair was subtly frosted, making him look like a preacher in some California church - the kind with acoustic guitars and headset microphones and not much use for the actual Bible.
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- Author Keith R.A. DeCandido
They were handy to have around, Nate's little gang. They were that wonderful combination of talented and noble. The former was useful, while the latter made it so incredibly easy to poke them with a metaphorical stick.
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- Author Kim Channa
អត្តចរិតល្អសំដៅលើកាយ វាចា ចិត្ត ដែលប្រកាន់យកភាពត្រឹមត្រូវជាគោល ឬនិយាយជាឧទាហរណ៍ងាយៗដូចជា រឿងដែលខ្លួនឯងមិនទទួលតែរុញឲ្យអ្នកដទៃទទួលជាដើម។ អត្តចរិតល្អអាចសំដៅដល់ការគោរពក្រមសីលធម៌ផង(ក្នុងករណីបរិយាកាសធម្មតា) តែក៏ត្រូវឲ្យសមស្របតាមសភាវធម្មជាតិផងដែរ(ក្នុងករណីចាំបាច់) ឧទាហរណ៍ពេលឃ្លានខ្លាំងជិតដាច់ខ្យល់ យើងទៅលួចរបស់គេសុីដើម្បីបន្តជីវិត ក្នុងករណីនេះយើងក៏មិនអាចវាយតម្លៃបានដែរ។
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- Author William Nack
Penny Tweedy took over the running of The Meadow as a businesswoman, with a tough attitude...Behind the Cheer smile and the porcelain sparkle of her teeth, behind the radiance and the friendliness and the warmth--behind all the charm, gentility, and good Episcopalianism--was a mind with a thermostat idling at sixty degrees.
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