37 Quotes About Child-rearing

  • Author Christopher Milne
  • Quote

    There are a hundred ways in which a boy can injure—if not indeed kill—himself. The more adventurous he is and the greater his initiative, the more ways he will find. If you protect him from each of the first hundred, he is sure to find the hundred and first. Though most men can look back on their boyhood and tremble at the narrowness of some of their escapes, most boys do in fact survive more or less intact, and the wise father is the trusting father.

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  • Author Taiki Matsuura
  • Quote

    Our obligation as parents is not to make our children happy but to teach them how to be happy; it's not to make them comfortable but to teach them how to tolerate discomfort. For these lessons—upsetting to them as they may be now—will better equip them for survival later when it matters most.

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  • Author J.D. Trafford
  • Quote

    Some may argue that we shouldn't shelter our children. We should let them see and experience the sins that are all around us. By keeping the children unaware, they say, we are preventing the development of their defenses. I disagreed. We have our whole lives to experience the ugliness, our whole lives to grapple with society's misplaced priorities. Trying to give a child a childhood was nothing to be ashamed of.

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