121 Quotes About Communion
- Author Peter Leithart
The Triune God is in the world, nearer to us than we are to ourselves, yet the world is also encompassed by his loving presence. He does have the whole world in his hands, even while he inhabits the whole world. For Christians, being saved means being caught up into this communion, indwelled by God and indwelling in him, and being opened up so that other people have room in us and we in them.
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- Author Shauna Niequist
If the home is a body, the table is the heart, the beating center, the sustainer of life and health.
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- Author Frederick Dale Bruner
Luther and Calvin believed that both the Roman church on the right and the Zwinglian and Anabaptist churches on the left made the Lord's Supper too much a place WHERE BELIEVERS DID THINGS FOR GOD - either by offering Christ to God (Rome) or by offering their deep devotion to God (the Radical Protestants). The main direction of the Supper, in both of these views, was up.
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- Author Alexander Schmemann
The Purpose of the Eucharist lies not in the change of the bread and wine, but in the partaking of Christ, who has become our food, our life, the manifestation of the Church as the body of Christ. This is why the gifts themselves never became in the Orthodox East an object of special reverence, contemplation, and adoration, and likewise an object of special theological 'problematics': how, when, in what manner their change is accomplished.
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- Author Francis Lucille
It [realization of Oneness] means being constantly open to the possibility that we are like two flowers looking at each other from two different branches of the same tree, so that if we were to go deep enough inside to the trunk, we would realize that we are one. Just being open to this possibility will have a profound effect on your relationships and on your experience of the world.
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- Author Thomm Quackenbush
It is hard to truly commune with the recently departed when carrying a plastic bag of dog feces.
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- Author Jose R. Coronado
Let me run game, talk is cheap, so let me take aim. Actions without distraction, simple conversations mean more to you than diamonds and the mansions, Haa, let me stop. Go ahead & run some game of your own; Feed my inner animal with your voice, your gestures, your walk. Those glances, all so intentional. Filling my senses like you got all the sense in this.
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- Author John O'Donohue
The human heart is a theater of longing.
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- Author John O'Donohue
Nothing in creation is ever totally at home in itself. ... It is the deepest intimacy which is nevertheless infused with infinite distance.
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