31 Quotes About Connor

  • Author Justin Somper
  • Quote

    What's the idea with Moonshine joining the team?"Cate leaned forward. "It's politics, Connor," she said. "Pure politics. When Barbarro persuaded Molucco to loan us out, he insisted that Moonshine come, too. He's under the impression it will be character building for him!""Character building?" Connor exclaimed. "Are you sure that Barbarro isn't secretly hoping a Vampirate will do us all a favor and finish him off?"Bart laughed.

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  • Author Kerrelyn Sparks
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    Connor turned to Vanda. “I’ll need to check yer bag, too.”“I thought you’d never ask.” Vanda tossed her bag onto the table. She was ready for him this time.He opened her silver evening bag. His eyes widened.She was quite proud that she’d managed to squeeze a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, her back massager, and a bottle of Viagrainto such a tiny handbag. She smiled sweetly. “Something wrong, Connor?

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  • Author Mark A. Cooper
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    Meet Tony. My first chest hair. I called him Tony as he’s Tony one I got,” Connor laughed.Jason laughed at his joke at first and then as fast as lightning grabbed Connor’s only chest hair and plucked it.“Tony one you had,” Jason corrected.

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  • Author laura hunsaker
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    You’re in love with me? Why have you never said anything?” He demanded. “No one wants to tell someone she loves him, and have him not say it back,” her eyes dropped and she said it so softly he had to strain to hear it.

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  • Author laura hunsaker
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    He made her feel small. Since there weren’t too many men out there who could make her feel small, this frightened her a bit. It actually frightened her more than the huge sword slung across his back.

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