34 Quotes About Continents

  • Author Rajesh`
  • Quote

    Europe and Asia have no waters separating them, and thus should be a single continent. But they are separate, for social and political reasons, and not because tectonic plates said so. Perhaps ancient Greeks wanted nothing to do with the odd-looking Asians.

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  • Author Eoin Colfer
  • Quote

    The Jeep inched forward at a painfully slow rate, made all the more excruciating by the anticipation building in Artemis's chest. He could suppress it no longer. Could they at last be at the end of their quest? After six false alarms across three continents, could this wine-sodden healer be the gold at the end of the rainbow? Artemis almost chuckled. Gold at the end of the rainbow. He'd made a joke. Now there's something that didn't happen everyday.

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  • Author A.S. Peterson
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    Though Fin couldn’t see it, she felt the closeness of land around her. From beyond the grey veil she could sense the oppressive weight of two great continents crowding down to the sea, each to kneel and contemplate the nearness of an ancient earthen brother.

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