25 Quotes About Direction-in-life
- Author Frank Sonnenberg
Change is good — if it’s in the right direction.
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- Author James Thornton
Your perspective guides your thoughts, your choices, your trajectory.
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- Author Owen Strachan
Too often, we think that godliness means careening around without any real direction, shooting off like a space shuttle with a deficient navigating system. Our lives follow whatever paths the Lord desires, but let’s remember that godliness is closely related to routine, commitment, hard work, and tireless pursuit. The Bible, as we will see, teaches us to invest our lives in certain core institutions and areas. Many of us have missed this; we will profit from recovering this idea.
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- Author Sam Owen
Whatever you focus your mind on, you will consciously and subconsciously work towards.
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- Author Donna Goddard
Think not you can return on the path that leads to the fork. Taken once, it disappears as the choice lies ahead.Both roads will lead to somewhere but one will be to nowhere.
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- Author Russell M. Nelson
Your freedom to choose is clearly explained in the Book of Mormon: “Men are free according to the flesh. … They are free to choose liberty and eternal life … or to choose captivity and death, according to the captivity and power of the devil; for he seeketh that all men might be miserable like unto himself.” What will you choose?
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- Author Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Life demands movement, but we must not take any step at all! We must not take steps to any direction at all for every direction leads somewhere, but not all directions go somewhere! People going somewhere must not just take steps to anywhere!
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- Author Kangoma Kindembo
Your foot size cannot determine the pace of your steps, you have the key to that.
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- Author Henry Chong
When you come to a fork in the road, and you're not sure whether to go left or go right, just go left. And then you'll very quickly figure out if that's the wrong way, and then you can go right. You'll still be quicker than the guy who's standing there trying to plan at the fork of the road.
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