50 Quotes About Executives

  • Author Nick Drnaso
  • Quote

    What I’m talking about is the order of chosen men who inherit power. From Pharaohs and kings to bankers and executives. Their path is paved for them, and life is but a child’s lavish play pen. It used to be that the peasants would toil in meaningless servitude, unable to see the big picture, without a chance to break the cycle. Now we have computers to help us do our research. Suddenly, the rhythms and patterns of oppression and deceit since time immemorial come into startling focus.

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  • Author Beau Bridges
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    When Spielberg was talking with the other executives about making this movie, he said he was only interested if they were going to tell the truth about the westward crossing, which means how the Native Americans were disrespected.

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  • Author James Burrows
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    I remember on the pilot of 'Will and Grace' some executives from NBC saying to me, 'There are too many gay jokes.' I said, 'If not on this show, then what show?'

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  • Author Mark Borges
  • Quote

    To many people, that's what the true compensation is and what the executives get taxed on. Not until the stock vests can individuals put it in their pockets, and now investors are going to be able to see what it's worth.

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