3,061 Quotes About Friends
- Author Chris Bradford
Wherever it is you may be, it is your friends who make your world.
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- Author Héloïse d'Argenteuil
If the portraits of our absent friends are pleasant to us, which renew our memory of them and relieve our regret for their absence by a false and empty consolation, how much more pleasant are letters which bring us the written characters of the absent friend.
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- Author Thomas Carlyle
My books are friends that never fail me."(Letter to his mother, Margaret A. Carlyle; 17 March 1817)
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- Author Shannon L. Alder
Sometimes your inability to let go has nothing to do with real love and everything to do with what that person represents in your life. Why do you give them so much importance? Why do you believe that God doesn't love you enough that he would not bring someone else into your life? Why do you put up with less than you deserve?
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- Author Holly C. Corbett
Floating there I held onto faith. Because you can't know who might cross your path or who will take your breath away. You can't know what friends might actually become sisters because they stayed by your side. You can't know when there'll be an unexpected detour that'll take you to the place where you were always meant to be.
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- Author Lindsey Rietzsch
If you have friends and family who love you unconditionally - you truly have everything!
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- Author Thomas Hardy
When the love-led man had ceased from his labours Bathsheba came and looked him in the face.'Gabriel, will you you stay on with me?' she said, smiling winningly, and not troubling to bring her lips quite together again at the end, because there was going to be another smile soon.'I will,' said Gabriel.And she smiled on him again.
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- Author M. Beth Bloom
We weren't really friends yet, just knowers of each other's secret stuff.
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- Author Joyce Rachelle
Not all friends know they have lost you.
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