61 Quotes About Graphic-design

  • Author Steven A. Seidman
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    Efforts by Democrats to portray Jackson as 'manly' and for the 'common man' were apparently more effective than were the campaign tactics of Adams’s supporters, who attempted to depict Jackson as violent, unjust, a paramour, and even a poor speller. It is quite possible that this anti-Jackson propaganda actually reinforced the positive image of Jackson as a masculine commoner—especially when contrasted with that of Adams, whom the Democrats depicted as an over-refined aristocrat.

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  • Author Steven A. Seidman
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    In the years that followed the Harrison campaign, many candidates—from Colonel James 'Young Hickory' Polk in 1844 to Lieutenant John Kerry in 2004—had their 'humble origins' and/or 'war leadership' highlighted in political material. Often coupled with these tactics was a corollary, to create an image of the opposition candidate that was highly negative—from John Adams as a 'monarchist' to John Kerry as a 'flip-flopping, windsurfing elitist.

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  • Author Riccardo Falcinelli
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    Non è un caso, infatti, che la grafica globalizzata tenda spesso a somigliarsi un po' tutta. Non si tratta di mera influenza culturale, ma di modo di procedere. Tutti i designer compiono gli stessi movimenti, maneggiano pixel: un po' più a destra; ruotato; di nuovo a destra; abbassato; poi sopra; e taglia; e incolla. Così all'infinito. Il design dovrebbe essere un modo di ragionare, di impostare problemi, di raccontare storie, non può ridursi a maneggiare box o spostare pixel.

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