32 Quotes About Helena

Helena Quotes By Author

  • Author Tim Burton
  • Quote

    One of the things that we were trying to do with this show was the complexities of relationships and love. There is both passion and longing and a bittersweet quality to it that is a part of life.

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  • Author Evelyn Waugh
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    But how do you know He *doesn't* want us to have it—the cross, I mean? I bet He’s just waiting for one of us to go and find it—just at this moment when it’s most needed. Just at this moment when everyone is forgetting it and chattering about the hypostatic union, there’s a solid chunk of wood waiting for them to have their silly heads knocked against. I’m going off to find it,

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  • Author Ornella Calcagnile
  • Quote

    ...vampiri, esseri di cui non avrei mai considerato l’esistenza, avevano annientato la mia famiglia, cambiato la mia vita in modo irreversibile. Vivono tra noi, alcuni pacifici, altri sanguinari e io avevo avuto la sfortuna di imbattermi in uno dei più malvagi e spregevoli della terra, una bestia che senza pietà e senza scrupoli si era divertita a uccidere tutti i miei cari e aveva lasciato me per ultima, facendomi soffrire le pene dell’inferno. Per gioco, per errore, ero viva...

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  • Author Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
  • Quote

    He shoved the phone at her again. “What does this do?” Hand shaking, she took it from him. “Um. It’s called a Smartphone. You can talk to people or send messages. It’s got Internet too.” She pointed to a collection of funny looking symbols on the glossy surface. Inter-net. Is that used for some sort of fishing? And why is the phone called smart? Were prior ones stupid?

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  • Author Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
  • Quote

    Andrus turned the engine and gave her a suspicious look. “You smell like...” He shifted into drive. “What?” “Nothing, but—did something happen inside?” Could he really smell…that? He crinkled his nose. “Your face is red and your scent is…” Oh, God. He can! Kill me now! Giant bomb, falling tree, spontaneous combustion…anything!

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