27 Quotes About Hera

Hera Quotes By Author

  • Author Rick Riordan
  • Quote

    Because I know you, Percy Jackson. In many ways, you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven.

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  • Author Doris Orgel
  • Quote

    Aphrodite, Aphrodite--I am sick of hearing poets sing her praise. "Violet-crowned, the golden, laughter-loving one..." How she sets their hearts a-twitter! And they call her "Queen of Love"--what folly.If love is like a firefly that flits about and quickly fades, then let her be its queen. If love is sacred, and endures, then it is my domain.

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  • Author Edith Hamilton
  • Quote

    They yoked themselves to a car and drew her all the long way through dust and heat. Everyone admired their filial piety when they arrived and the proud and happy mother standing before the statue prayed that Hera would reward them by giving them the best gift in her power. As she finished her prayer the two lads sank to the ground. They were smiling and they looked as if they were peacefully asleep but they were dead. (Biton and Cleobis)

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