295 Quotes About Insomnia
- Author D.D. Barant
I've got a bad case of the 3:00 am guilts - you know, when you lie in bed awake and replay all those things you didn't do right? Because, as we all know, nothing solves insomnia like a nice warm glass of regret, depression and self-loathing.
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- Author Beverly Engel
Survivors who don’t stand up for themselves often develop physical and emotional illnesses. Many become depressed because they feel so hopeless and helpless about being able to change their lives. They turn their anger inward and become prone to headaches, muscle tension, nervous conditions and insomnia.
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- Author William Styron
(...) one of the most unendurable aspects of such an interlude was the inability to sleep (...) the disruption of normal sleep patterns is a notoriously devastating feature of depression (...). It had become clear that I would never be granted even a few minutes' relief from my full-time exhaustion.
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- Author مي عز الدين
لم أنم ياصديقي كما قلت لك إني سأفعل فقد قضيت الليل كله أبكي، وها أنا اكذب مره أخرى وأقول لك أني أستيقظت وعيني لم تذق النوم قط.
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- Author Gregory Maguire
Waking up was a daily cruelty, an affront, and she avoided it by not sleeping.
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- Author Charles Dickens
When I had lain awake a little awhile, those extraordinary voices with which silence teems, began to make themselves audible. The closet whispered, the fireplace sighed, the little washing-stand ticked, and one guitar-string played occasionally in the chest of drawers.
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- Author Avery Sawyer
I think insomnia is a sign that a person is interesting.
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- Author John Cooper Clarke
Five a.m. and mooching roundCompartments in my brainEvery corner occupiedBy garbage and disdainDown all day - up all nightBeneath that energy draining lightThe Paperboy's Wife
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- Author Shaheen Bhatt
When you're in the throes of what feels like all-consuming pain, sleep is respite. It's your last refuge from the unrelenting guerilla attacks carried out against you by your own mind.
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