238 Quotes About Librarians
- Author Cassandra Page
On a good day, my style is librarian chic. On a bad day, it's frumpy mother.
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- Author Elena Ferrante
I'm not wise, but I read a lot of novels.
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- Author Jorge Luis Borges
Words, words, words taken out of place and mutilated, words from other men — those were the alms left him by the hours and the centuries.
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- Author Karl Kesel
Impersonating a quiet, gentle librarian like Barbara Gordon--You deserve to be taken out of circulation!
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- Author Mary Virginia Provines
Books are only half our job ; the other half is human nature.
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- Author Ellen Klages
This is overdue. Quite a bit, I'm afraid. I apologize. We moved to Topeka when I was very small, and Mother accidentally packed it up with the linens. I have traveled a long way to return it, and I know the fine must be large, but I have no money. As it is a book of fairy tales, I thought payment of a first-born child would be acceptable. I always loved the library. I'm sure she'll be happy there.
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- Author Scott Douglas
When I tell people I went to library school, the most common reaction is either “You’re joking, right?” or “They have schools for librarians? Do they teach you how to properly sssh people?
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- Author Robert Musil
The secret of a good librarian is that he never reads anything more of the literature in his charge than the title and the table of contents. Anyone who lets himself go and starts reading a book is lost as a librarian...He's bound to lose perspective.
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- Author Scott Douglas
It took a bit of popcorn and a library snack bar to make me realize that being a librarian was about more than just giving people information. It was about serving a community. And if the community is hungry for more than just knowledge, then maybe it’s about time to open a snack bar.
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