265 Quotes About Marijuana

  • Author A.K. Kuykendall
  • Quote

    Sex with a writer should be on any and everyone’s bucket list. Like a box of chocolates, you’d have no clue which of our multiple personalities you’d encounter. Odds are, you’d find that perfect lover. So perfect this inamorata and/or inamorato that your psyche would forever be consumed with hopes that you’d, again, experience, even for a brief moment, the all-encompassing magmatism of that carnal deity within.

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  • Author Mandy Ashcraft
  • Quote

    Sorry it took me so long to get back here. I went out front to smoke, and then I saw Angel's truck was unlocked and made myself a burrito with a crushed up fortune cookie inside,' said the only person they knew that would say that, carrying the little grey kitten. He pulled a wet paper fortune out of the beans. 'My burrito says 'Keep your eye on the prize'.

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  • Author Cory Duchesne
  • Quote

    I started smoking cannabis and drinking alcohol for the same reason I would sometimes tell self aggrandizing lies; I was wanting in courage. The only intimacy I could find was through drinking, smoking, lying and taking short cuts. A good brain needs the courage to maintain it's health, and if you don't have courage, you fall prey to a type of intimacy that gradually degrades not only the brain, but it degrades the meaning of friendship.

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