818 Quotes About Metaphor

  • Author Michele Harper
  • Quote

    ...this is not a book about romance or a chronicle of loss. It is a story of love rebuilt better; the story of a butterfly birthed from goo; the story of newly grown wings that beat to a higher vibration to soar in a place of unconditional love because the truest part of me has always known and just now understands that this is where healing happens and this is where healers abide.

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  • Author W. Somerset Maugham
  • Quote

    Everything passed, and what trace of its passage remained? It seemed to Kitty that they were all, the human race, like the drops of water in that river and they flowed on, each so close to the other and yet so far apart, a nameless flood, to the sea. When all things lasted so short a time and nothing mattered very much, it seemed pitiful that men, attaching an absurd importance to trivial objects, should make themselves and one another so unhappy.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
  • Quote

    ...: through witty riddles and unsuspected metaphors, though ti tells us things differently to the way they are, as if it were lying, it actually obliges us to examine them more closely, and it makes us say: Ah, this is just as things are, and I dint know it.

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