220 Quotes About Proof

  • Author Howard Zinn
  • Quote

    History can come in handy. If you were born yesterday, with no knowledge of the past, you might easily accept whatever the government tells you. But knowing a bit of history--while it would not absolutely prove the government was lying in a given instance--might make you skeptical, lead you to ask questions, make it more likely that you would find out the truth.

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  • Author loren weisman
  • Quote

    Just because an eloquent, articulate and well-spoken person is sharing something, does not make what they are saying, true. Just because someone can relay information with an engaging, exciting or enticing delivery, does not mean what is being said is fact. Deciding what is true based on only emotion and not connecting with logic, looking up facts and researching for the proof behind it, can be very dangerous. Back it up before you buy into it. 

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