60 Quotes About Ren

Ren Quotes By Author

  • Author Colleen Houck
  • Quote

    Pulling the chair out for me, he invited me to sit. I stood there wondering if I could sprint for the nearest exit. Stupid strappy shoes, I'd never make it. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "I know what you're thinking, and I'm not going to let you escape again. You can either take a seat and have dinner with me like a normal date," he grinned at his word choice, "or," he paused thoughtfully then threatened, "you can sit on my lap while I force-feed you.

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  • Author Colleen Houck
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    Ren took off his jacket, which slicited a squeak from Jennifer who was now totally focused on Ren's golden-bronze biceps. His perfectly fitted muscle shirt showed off his extremely well-developed arms and chest. I hissed at him quietly, "For heaven's sake, Ren! You're going to give the women heart palpitations!

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  • Author Colleen Houck
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    How poor are they that have no patients! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?'""Shakespeare isn't going to save you this time, Superman. Your time's run out."He scowled. "Perhaps I should have been studying The Taming of the Shrew!

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  • Author Colleen Houck
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    He seized me as boldly as a tiger captures his prey. There was no escape. And I didn't want to. I would have happily died in his clutches. I was his, and he made sure I knew it. My heart burst with a thousand beautiful blooms, all tiger lilies. And I knew with a certainty more powerful than anything I'd ever felt before that we belonged together.He finally lifted his head and murmured against my lips, "It's about bloody time, woman.

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  • Author Jenna Evans Welch
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    Nice to meet you too. I'm really sorry about the mix-up on the phone earlier. I had you confused with someone else.""That's okay I'm just glad to know you're not going to come after me with a chainsaw anymore.

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  • Author Colleen Houck
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    These are delicious! What are they?""Double chocolate chip with peanut butter filling.""They're the second best thing I've ever tasted."I laughed. "You said the same thing at dinner.""I recently readjusted the ranking.

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