88 Quotes About Restaurants
- Author Anthony Bourdain
If anything is good for pounding humility into you permanently, it's the restaurant business.
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- Author Joe Bastianich
Maitre d's are at the financial spigot of the restaurant, meaning they control who gets in and who doesn't, but aside from that, they don't do anything. And yet they get paid as much as the highest-paid people in the place.
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- Author Joe Bastianich
Working in a restaurant means being part of a family, albeit usually a slightly dysfunctional one. Nothing is accomplished independently.
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- Author Joy Behar
Never eat at a Chinese restaurant named Mama Teresa's Trattoria.
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- Author Mario Batali
Although the skills aren't hard to learn, finding the happiness and finding the satisfaction and finding fulfillment in continuously serving somebody else something good to eat, is what makes a really good restaurant.
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- Author Peg Bracken
Many a restaurant seems to employ more copy writers than cooks.
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- Author Amy Carlson
I'm a restaurant junkie.
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- Author Gregory Corso
Anyway, I lived on the streets and did pretty good until I got caught stealing, what was it? I kicked in a restaurant window, went in and took all the food that I wanted, and while coming out I was grabbed.
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- Author Herman Cain
I've never sexually harassed anyone, and yes, I was falsely accused while I was at the National Restaurant Association.
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