42 Quotes About Retail
- Author T.F. Hodge
Bling" is not an indication of riches. It is a product of value-based spending, to enrich the pockets of those outside of ones sphere of influence...the haves' bleeding the have-nots'.
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- Author Jim Lowe
Jack was excellent at his job as long as he stuck to Mr Lemon’s instructions, ‘Always be nice to the customers, even if some of them are arrogant assholes.
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- Author Alessandro Busà
Over a decade of citywide rezonings, land speculations, and corporate bidding wars for available commercial space has produced a Darwinian habitat where corporate retail proliferates, and where mom-and-pops have become an endangered species.
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- Author Martin Lindstrom
90 percent of all Gillette shavers are bought by women for the men in their lives
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- Author Sijin Bt
Retaining (of customers and employees) wins retailing
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- Author Enrique Badia
It is not in vain that the strategic criterion of placing only short runs on the market prevails in order simultaneously to create a feeling of scarcity and avoid an appearance of uniformity, both of which encourage consumer demand. This is such a powerful criterion that it is not uncommon to discontinue production of a much-sought-after product, sometimes to the relative desperation of the shop staff, who were sure they could sell it.
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- Author Martin Lindstrom
Sex doesn't sell anything other than itself
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- Author Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah
Buy One Get One stops for no one.
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- Author George Troy
Karma is real.
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