538 Quotes About Thoughtful

  • Author Dalma Heyn
  • Quote

    Married women are far more depressed than married men -- in unhappy marriages, three times more; and -- interestingly -- in happy marriages, five times more. In truth, it is men who are thriving in marriage, now as always, and who show symptoms of psychological and physical distress outside it. Not only their emotional well-being but their very lives, some studies say, depend on being married!

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  • Author P.C. Cast
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    What if all I'd ever known was how it had been for the past three years - me being an unwanted outsider in my own family?I might have turned out like Aphrodite, and I might still be letting my parents control me because I was hoping desperately that I would be good enough, make them proud, so that some day they would really love me.

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  • Author Darcy Luoma
  • Quote

    Keep your focus on the things you can control: your behavior, your choice of words, your attitude, your responses. And if you feel like you’re struggling to control them? Your core can help. Take a deep breath. Pause and Think about what you need to reel it in. Then Act—thoughtfully.

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