27 Quotes About Unafraid

  • Author Benjamin L. Corey
  • Quote

    But what if there's really no such thing as a crisis of faith? ... What if it just feels like everything is going wrong, but really that instance is a moment when everything is about to go right? ... What if what we often call a faith crisis is actually a divine journey--not from God, or simply to God, but a journey with God?

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  • Author Benjamin L. Corey
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    [re: 'keeping the commandments'] I believe that "keeping" speaks more about focus than measuring success on a pass-fail basis. When we keep something, we hold it close to our hearts and allow it to progressively become our object of focus. The action of keeping becomes personal and intimate, not regulated by an outside authority. Whatever we keep becomes an object we love and cherish, and it becomes a center point from which the rest of our lives flow--like a compass.

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  • Author Benjamin L. Corey
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    Unlike the bounded-set approach where we're constantly trying to measure ourselves up to see whether we're in or out, the centered-set paradigm invites us to ask far more simple and profound questions: "Am I moving toward Jesus? Am I moving toward love?

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  • Author Leigh Bardugo
  • Quote

    She always picks the most boring things on the rack, always in basic black. If it's shaped like a sack, even better.""Maybe it feels easier that way, just being invisible instead of always worrying what people think of you."Nim's voice was surprisingly emphatic. "But that's a choice too, right? Because people are always going to look. They're always going to judge, so you can say nothing or you can at least answer back.

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