28 Quotes by Fakeer Ishavardas about spiritual
- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Those who love dogs, know something about God.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Peaceful atheists are far more spiritual than hateful theists.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
If a religious book makes you harbor ill thoughts about those with differing faith, then, you're reading the wrong crap of late.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
God of blind believers is most likely to be cock-eyed.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Only in duality consciousness we witness this-that thing. In reality, a unity consciousness runs as the very soul of every little thing.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Strip yourself naked, of your fancied ideas about What Is. Then, seek "It". That Which Is. Otherwise, all you're going to find is dick.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
The metaphysical truth and the end reality is simply this - you are All. Infinite Oneness. Consciousness is but only a part of it. So, you're consciousness, and yet more. You're the Whole. Thus is 'That'. Get it.
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
How did I get 'IT'? - By crying, begging, yelping! - Any of this helping?
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- Author Fakeer Ishavardas
Religious nuts, atheists, theists, as too most scientists fail to "get" IT - the Ultimate Reality - because they seek it through ego.
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